One woman's plight in technical support.

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Stating the Obvious

I thought I'd run out of things to talk about here.  So I haven't been posting much.  Today I got a case via email that said this:

Today I received the following message from my server:

'This products content license on server ServersName will soon expire.
You will need to renew your license to continue using the product."
Please contact your sales rep, or visit: to renew your license.'
Please advise me as to how to remedy this.

Thank you,

Now I'm thinking... Really? You actually don't know what to do with this so you EMAIL me?? It tells you what to do. It tells you you need to renew your license, and gives you a link to go to to get that done. Now c'mon. Use your brain. You get paid twice as much as I do to do your job, the least you can do is read. Really. I mean... jeez.

Then on top of it all, you took the time to email me, which is FAR more difficult than clicking the link that was provided in the email you copy/pasted to me.

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If you have tech horror stories you'd like to share I'd love to hear them! If I really really like it, I'll even blog about it. So let's hear it, what do your dumb customers do?

posted by Reine at 10:27 AM


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