One woman's plight in technical support.

Current News

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


I'll preface this by saying, I would love to work from home. It's always been my dream to be a freelance "something" like a web developer or something. I would love to set my own schedule and not have to deal with office politics or put on pants. You know, the fun stuff. I would like to advise any Admins out there who want to work from home, do so! We admire you for having that ability.

That being said... get an office (that locks) in your home or send the kids to daycare. If I hear screaming kids in the background and your phone gets cut off in the middle of our conversation I will not attempt to help you. I will tell you whatever you want to hear to get you off the damn phone.

Be reasonable will you? I can't troubleshoot with you if I have to call you back ten times, or if your computer gets turned off by a rambunctious 2 year old. I don't appreciate having to yell to be heard, and let's face it, what person wants to sit by and listen to some poor kid get yelled at or spanked on a BUSINESS phone call?

Keep home separate from work PLEASE.

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If you have tech horror stories you'd like to share I'd love to hear them! If I really really like it, I'll even blog about it. So let's hear it, what do your dumb customers do?

posted by Reine at 2:11 PM | 0 people who've shared.

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